Kyle Broflovski
Kyle Broflovski
Gender | Male |
Age | 10 |
Hair Color | Ginger |
Occupation | Student |
Grade | 4th Grade |
Aliases | High Jew Elf King, Paladin Kyle, The Human Kite, Kyley-B, Daywalker, Kyle of the DeVry Institute, Fart Boy, Khal, Kyle 2 |
Religion | Judasim, Blainetology (temporarily) Roman Catholic (temporarily) |
Father | Gerald Broflovski |
Mother | Sheila Broflovski |
Brother | Ike Broflovski |
Grandmother | Cleo Broflovski |
Uncle | Murrey Broflovski |
Cousin | Kyle Schwartz |
Voiced by | Matt Stone |
First Appearance | The Spirit of Christmas (Jesus vs. Frosty) |
Kyle Broflovski has always been considered one of the most intelligent children in South Park, and whenever crazy things are happening in South Park, Kyle and his super best friend, Stan, are there to provide the voice of reason and help resolve problems, often with a comforting 'gay little speech', something that has become Kyle's trademark amongst his friends... for better or for worse. He has a loving if stern father named Gerald, a local lawyer, and a mother, Sheila, known for her interest in social justice and politics, and of course, there's nobody Kyle cares more about than his little brother, Ike Broflovski -- despite the latter's adoption and the occasional game of 'kick the baby', they care about each other and Kyle will do anything to protect him, even go up against evil Visitors. All members of the Broflovski family are known for their strong moral centers and standing up for what they believe in... though not necessarily always to success. Nonetheless, even when times seem their darkest, Kyle will never back down from what he believes in.
One of the most important aspects of Kyle's character is his Jewish upbringing, something that has influenced him in a number of ways - and something that Eric Cartman will never, ever, let him forget, or live down, for a second. While Kyle has always been quick to defend his religion since he was a small child, he remained ignorant of many Jewish beliefs, customs and values until a faithful Meteor Shower encounter with Moses - since then, he has not only overcome doubts about Judaism but has fully embraced the faith. Kyle has stated that Judaism has taught him honesty, one of his deepest values, and one he frequently puts to practice, never hesitating to reveal and defend the truth, whatever it might be... unless the greater good interferes of course. Nontheless, even when he might get in trouble, whether it's over toliet paper-ing someone's house or smoking behind the school, he's always willing to own up to his own actions and is the first of the boys to insist on the truth.
Kyle has exhibited exceptional skill with computers compared to Cartman, Stan, or Kenny, such as sending out an all-access e-mail during the American-Canadian War, examining public resources in detail to help identify a terrorist named Vladmir Stolfsky, tracking the IP address of the Eavesdropper website operator, and successfully photoshopping a cow and chicken as the Hiroshima bombers. He's also a highly profieicent accountant, something that even Eric Cartman will completely look past when it serves his interests, whether it's running a Chef Aid charity event, a scam slavery/basketball league, or just the Washington Redskins. He's also a skilled and dedicated basketball player, at least whenever he's playing with other short white kids (and Tolkien) and he's not too bad at dodgeball or football, either -- Frank Hammond hasn't seen "a Jew run like [him] since Poland, 1938".Kyle's exhibited degrees of talent in writing, singing, self-conciousness, and science and his other hobbies include playing dreidel and playing with his best friend, Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo.
Though he is often the most compassionate of the boys, and is considered one of the most intelligent students in his classroom by many of his peers, Kyle is not without his flaws. He is grossed out by pee and bananas to almost uncontrollable levels and these seem to be his most significant pet peeves, and he can be cheap, often refusing to throw away items he paid good money for, such as real ninja weapons, and displaying supririsng bartering skills with Tuong Lu Kim. Kyle has a notably recurring habit of falling behind on popular trends among his classmates, often resorting to fighting back against them however he can - whether it's not being able to celebrate Christmas, a total lack of interest in Chinpoko Mon toys, being too straight to be 'metrosexual', being unable to sit through 'High School Musical', a friendship with Kip Drordy, or just not enjoying YouTube celebrities playing video games, Kyle always seems to be completely behind the latest trends, alieninating him from his friends, and has developed some degree of social insecurity.
Kyle's health is generally poor in most instances compared to his classmates, and he has been mentioned as a diabetic - he recieved a kidney transplant, suffered from a painful hemmorhoid, contracted HIV, and required the removal of fecal matter and treatment for herpes after taking a zip-line tour... but he was quite difficult to intentionally infect with Chicken Pox, as his parents discovered. He also suffers from a mild form of Gingervitus that makes him a "Daywalker". In addition to these conditions, unbeknownst to most of the town, Kyle was concieved while his parents were in Newark, New Jersey... and Kyle Broflovski becomes angry or outraged, or whenever unruly Jersey folks are near, a startling metamorphisis occurs, as Kyley-B comes out to exact a swift but deadly brand of spray-tan-themed justice...
As a third grader, in the series' earlier seasons, Kyle's intelligence and moral center were depicted significantly less frequently, and he was portrayed as a much more mischievous child with laziness, a fiery temper and a favoritism for fart jokes and comedic, juvenile insults, often with an indifference towards those around him. He and the other boys have done a lot of growing up since joining the fourth grade, and these days, Kyle's generally quite calm and patient with those around him... when Cartman isn't involved, anyhow.
Recently, Kyle has given up on giving his trademark moral speeches, in fear of being hurt or disappearing thanks to PC Principal and his culture.
DNA Overview
You are a natural problem solver and leader with a strong moral compass. Things donât always go according to plan, but people can rely on you to stand up for what you believe in and to tell the truth no matter the cost. People with Kyle Broflovski DNA are multitalented and have a logical, patient outlook on life, even during tough times.
"They can throw me in jail for the rest of my life but I AM NEVER going to suck your balls! EVER!"
Memorable Quotes
- "Kick the baby!"
- "Don't you see? I learned something today..."
- "God Dammit Cartman!"
- "God Damn! That's a big FAT ASS!" (Weight Gain 4000)
- "Oh my god, I killed Kenny!" (Pinkeye)
- "I'm a clinically-depressed facephiliac on Prozac." (Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo)
- "Does poo go to heaven?" (Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls)
- "FUCK OFF CARTMAN!" (Rainforest Schmainforest)
- "I just want a nerection so I can give it to my mom." (Spontaneous Combustion)
- "I was just hanging out in my room and I period-ed all over the place." (Are You There, God? It's Me, Jesus)
- "I hate this town. I really, really do. " (I'm a Little Bit Country)
- "That's not being nice. That's just putting on a nice SWEATER." (Casa Bonita)
- "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! I WON'T LET YOU WIN!!! YOU HEAR ME!?!?!" (Cartoon Wars Part I)
- "They can throw me in jail for the rest of my life but I AM NEVER going to suck your balls! EVER!" (Imaginationland, Episode III)
- "YOU GOT CAH-BAGE IN YA MUFF!!!" (It's A Jersey Thing)
- "My name. Is not. âKyhelâ" (The Poor Kid)
- "YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY can I PLEASE have Cartman's farts in my tummy?" (Ginger Cow)
- "I'M NOT A DICK, I'M LIKE GHANDI." (Ginger Cow)
- "I endure what I must for the sake of all humanity." (Ginger Cow)
- "Bloody Butt Cough." (Go Fund Yourself)
- "So follow this trend, #SaveTheLivingRoom." (#HAPPY HOLOGRAMS)
Life Lessons
- "Visitors, this morning you took my little brother, Ike. He's the little freckled kid that looks like a football. At first, I was happy you took him away. But I've learned something today. That having a little brother⦠is a pretty special thing. Ah, heck, Mr. Visitors, I'm just a kid all alone in this crazy world, but if you could find it in your hearts or whatever you have, to give my brother back to me, it sure would make my life brighter again. "
- "Real life is so boring and stupid"
- "Swearing can be fun, but doing it all the time causes a lot of problems"
- "Cartman, you don't buy pubes, you grow them yourself!"
- "I finally figured it out. You see, if someone like Cartman can get a million dollars on his own theme park, then there is no God. There is no God, dude"
- "When people have children, they have to grow up!"
- "Hybrid cars don't cause smugness. People do"
- "You need to have a life. Have fun. Then ruin it by having a serious relationship."
- "No matter what we think, it's not just a passing trend. We need to realize that the new generation of entertainment [YouTube celebrities] is here."
Notable Songs
Click RIGHT HERE to listen to Kyle's first hit, "A Lonely Jew on Christmas", from way back in "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo", the very first South Park Christmas special!
Here's Kyle's biggest design changes throughout the show's run.
Main Alter Egos
Alter egos that have appeared numberous times in-show and/or other official media.
Other Alter Egos/Outfits/Counterparts
Like his friends, Kyle loves coming up with alter-egos with detailed and complicated backstories to support role-playing games. He also has a secret identity tied to his native homeland that only occasionally comes out, Kyley-B.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
Season 12
Season 13
Season 14
Season 15
Season 16
Season 17
Season 18
Season 19
Season 20
Season 21
Season 22
Season 23
Season 24
Season 25
Season 26
Phone Destroyer
Kyle has a strong relationship with his family members and is especially close to his younger adopted brother, Ike, whom he strived to protect and keep safe ever since the series began, and Ike himself has a tendency to tag along on, or even lead, some of the group's wilder adventures, and Kyle will stop at nothing to make sure his baby brother is and always will be safe and sound. Kyle is also quite close to both of his parents, who will eagerly shift blame away from their children - or themselves - whenever possible, though Kyle often feels betrayed when he finds they have lied or mislead him and seems to trust them despite his misanthropy towards the town's adults. He seems to be fond of his deceased grandmother, but their relationship is mostly unknown. Kyle finds his stereotypical cousin Kyle very annoying and avoids spending time with him.
Romantic Relationships
Kyle's always been popular with the ladies in South Park - early on, the popular Bebe Stevens thought he had a nice ass and he later returned the favor by admiring her new breasts, but their relationship ended quickly after a forced first kiss.
Past Love Interests
His first real relationship was with the home-schooled girl, Rebecca Cotswolds, who he introduced to the art of kissing... but it didn't work out so well, and she ended up kissing lots of guys. No details on the breakup are known.
He's been a swingin' single ever since, but he did go on a date with Nichole Daniels and displayed attractions to Ms. Ellen and Lisa Berger with the other boys. He seemed on the cusp of a relationship with Leslie Meyers, until her secrets were revealed to the town.
Despite his charming personality, Kyle has never made it passed one date with any of his love interests on-screen, meaning he's yet to have had an official girlfriend.
Super Best Friend
Although they have their differences with each other, and rip on each other plenty, whenever things get really tough - or really, every Wednesday in South Park - Stan and Kyle are pretty much always there for each other. They've been best friends since they were kids and hang out together all the time - and so do their parents as well. Whether they're saving the world together, or just saving each other's lives from whatever's been conjured up into town this week, these guys always seem to have each other's backs.
It's not all rainbows and sunshine for Stan and Kyle though -- from time to time, Stan's ego can get in the way of their friendship and Kyle can only deal with so much of Stan's negativity. Still, as long as they aren't asked to name a prehistoric ice creature, these two can usually keep it together and put their super best friendship above everything else.
Best Friend
Every December, Kyle eats as much fiber as he can around Christmas Eve so that he can produce one of the holidays' most beloved characters, Mr. Hankey, made from Kyle's own fecal matter. The two have remained close and Kyle considers Mr. Hankey to his 'other' best friend, mourning his death at the South Park Film Festival, working together to prophet Muhammad, and coming to Kyle's rescue during the notorious zip-lining incident. There's no stronger bond between a child and his crap than Kyle and Mr. Hankey's.
Arch Rival
While all four boys have been through adventures over the years and share similar goals of wealth and popularity, there is no weaker link between the four than the often intense rivalry between Cartman and Kyle. While the latter sees himself as more moral and philosophical, often trying to take the safest and most logical route, the notoriously stubborn and selfish Cartman will take what he wants by any means necessary, a common source of conflict between the two. Though they have been shown on rare yet notable occasions to be on civil terms, Cartman often shows an extremely sadistic and hateful side towards Kyle and will stop at nothing to humiliate him, and Kyle in turn often sees humiliating Cartman as morally justifiable, particularly given his anti-semitism. The two have also been known to make bets with full intent of humiliating one another, such as the loser having to pay a sum of money, being each other's slave or on one famous occasion, suck the winner's balls. Cartman in particular takes extreme pleasure in Kyle's suffering- going as far as to break him in Ginger Cow and even fantasizing about his tears, oddly enough. Cartman himself has shown a disturbing lack of care for Kyle's wellbeing as well; whether it be laughing at his bodily mutation from a certain apple company, or offering him up to a room of very angry Germans.
Cartman and Kyle have come to blows on multiple occasions, mostly notably after Cartman and Butters broke into the Broflovski Residence to infect Kyle with the HIV virus, when they had to be broken up by Mr. Mackey, as well as the FOX headquarters when they came into conflict over a controversial Family Guy episode, and after Kenny McCormick's death and funeral, when Cartman used stem cells to create a new Shakey's Pizza. Despite hatred, when the two boys can set their differences aside, and a common goal is clear in sight, Cartman and Kyle can make incredibly strong allies, although this always seems to disband one way or another. They do have some common interests they do not share with Stan and Kenny in the same fashion, such as Faith Hilling and the Xbox One, and also share a particular shared business talent that is displayed both in their time together working at the Crack Baby Athletic Association and during their time at the Washington Redskins start-up company, where they even lead a high-profile press conference together. They maintain a surprising degree of tolerance for one another, with Kyle in particular continuing to feel sympathy for Cartman and his moments of plight despite their problems, and Cartman recognizing Kyleâs assets for various schemes, allowing no bathroom break stop him.
Another thing to note is Cartman's obsessive hatred with Kyle. Although hating his opponent dearly, when faced with the possibility of loosing him permanently from the horrors of San Francisco, he's willing to save him to avoid boredom and have an entertaining rival to torment once more. Kyle himself is willing to save Cartman as well, although for significantly less selfish reasons. Although loathing him with all his heart, Kyle is willing to compromise it all in order to see Cartman do the right thing once in his life- although he may be too optimistic in that regard.
Rumors of a relationship have been spurred by Cartman on occasion but have never been endorsed by Kyle in any way, shape or form.
Close Friends
Other than his Super Best Friend, Stan, Kyle's closest friend has always been the local poor kid, Kenny McCormick. When he's not hanging out with them, he's usually sticking up for the schoolyard's punching bag, or hanging out with a certain handi-capable comedian.
He also had a very strong friendship with his late, great school cafeteria chef.
He recently befriended a busboy that moved to town, and they've grown considerably close in quite a short amount of time.
The Guys
Kyle has an extended group of friends that he hangs out with at school. He regularly catches up with them outside of school though, usually to see what crazy new thing has come to town, or to simply watch the newest Terrance & Phillip episode.
Other Friends
Kyle has a unique set of minor friends, who he shares a mutual liking to. Whether it be his meterosexual-hating ex-teacher, holy Jesus or a Zypod from the moon, they're always there to cheer Kyle up.
He also befriended a Prehistoric Ice Man from the year 1996, who he eventually had to part with. Whether they remain in contact is unknown.
These characters usually interact with Kyle exclusively at school. He seems to be on good terms with all of them, but doesn't have any special relationships with any of them.
Kyle's relationships with these characters have never been quite clear, and his mutual feelings about them is usually up for debate amongst fans.
Though Kyle's chief rival is Cartman, he has from time to time, riled up the anger of other kids at South Park Elementary... as well as a certain principal who happens to be politically correct.
Music Groups
Sport Teams
Kyle has been on some sports teams for his school. However, although he has a love and talent for basketball, he has never been seen on the Cows Basketball Players.
Kyle lives with his parents and brother at the Broflovski Residence, which has been their home since the show began. They briefly moved out of town to San Francisco in "Smug Alert!" for a more liberal environment, but eventually ended up back in South Park to suffer a while longer... thanks to the efforts of a certain anonymous neighbor.
Featured Episodes
As a main character on the show, Kyle is present - so here is just a partial selection of some of his most infamous moments...
- Cartman Gets an Anal Probe (s01e01)
- An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig (s01e05)
- Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo (s01e10)
- Mecha-Streisand (s01e12)
- Ike's Wee Wee (s02e04)
- Conjoined Fetus Lady (s02e05)
- Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls (s02e09)
- Chickenpox (s02e10)
- Roger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods (s02e11)
- Clubhouses (s02e12)
- Prehistoric Ice Man (s02e18)
- Rainforest Shmainforest (s03e01)
- Spontaneous Combustion (s03e02)
- Jewbilee (s03e09)
- Chinpoko Mon (s03e10)
- Starvin' Marvin in Space (s03e11)
- Hooked on Monkey Fonics (s03e13)
- Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics (s03e15)
- World Wide Recorder Concert (s03e17)
- Cherokee Hair Tampons (s04e07)
- Do the Handicapped Go to Hell? (s04e10)
- Probably (s04e11)
- Trapper Keeper (s04e13)
- The Wacky Molestation Adventure (s04e16)
- A Very Crappy Christmas (s04e17)
- Super Best Friends (s05e04)
- Cartmanland (s05e06)
- The Entity (s05e11)
- The Biggest Douche in the Universe (s06e15)
- Toilet Paper (s07e03)
- South Park Is Gay (s07e08)
- Casa Bonita (s07e11)
- All About Mormons (s07e12)
- Good Times With Weapons (s08e01)
- The Passion of the Jew (s08e04)
- Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina (s09e01)
- Cartoon Wars Part I (s10e03)
- Cartoon Wars Part II (s10e04)
- Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy (s10e10)
- Imaginationland (s11e10)
- Imaginationland, Episode II (s11e11)
- Imaginationland, Episode III (s11e12)
- Tonsil Trouble (s12e01)
- Margaritaville (s13e03)
- You Have 0 Friends (s14e04)
- It's A Jersey Thing (s14e09)
- Crack Baby Athletic Association (s15e05)
- You're Getting Old (s15e07)
- Ass Burgers (s15e08)
- 1% (s15e12)
- Jewpacabra (s16e04)
- Taming Strange (s17e05)
- Ginger Cow (s17e06)
- Black Friday (s17e07)
- A Song of Ass and Fire (s17e08)
- Titties and Dragons (s17e09)
- Go Fund Yourself (s18e01)
- The Magic Bush (s18e05)
- #REHASH (s18e09)
- Stunning and Brave (s19e01)
- Where My Country Gone? (s19e02)
- You're Not Yelping (s19e04)
- Safe Space (s19e05)
- Truth and Advertising (s19e09)
- PC Principal Final Justice (s19e10)
- Member Berries (s20e01)
- Wieners Out (s20e04)
- Fort Collins (s20e06)
- Not Funny (s20e09)
- The End of Serialization as We Know It (s20e10)
- Doubling Down (s21e07)
- Super Hard PCness (s21e09)
- Splatty Tomato (s21e10)
- Dead Kids (s22e01)
- A Boy and a Priest (s22e01)
- The Problem with A Poo (s22e03)
Major Absences
Out of the four main boys, Kyle has had the rarest absences in the show.
- Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus (s02e01)
- Cat Orgy (s03e07)
- Pip (s04e05)
- A Million Little Fibers (s10e06)
- More Crap (s11e09)
- City Sushi (s15e06; crowd cameo)
- Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers (s17e03; crowd cameo)
- Handicar (s18e04)
Behind The Scenes
Kyle is based on series co-creator Matt Stone, who voices him, and many of Kyle's character traits are inspired directly by Kyle and his feelings, behaviors and beliefs - for example, both are Jewish and had untameable curly hair.
Below is a selection of kick-ass behind the scenes content, exclusively from South Park:
From "Towelie" (s05e08)
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Check out this old-school storyboard from our archives, depicting the scene where Kyle and the boys try to make excuses so they can play more Okama Gamesphere. All boards used to be drawn individually by hand. Now, we do them all digitally.
From "Taming Strange" (s17e05)
Character Art: Mr. Mackey
Mackey's counseling lesson on the toilet required a special pose. It was worth it.
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Character Art: Wet Kids
"Wet" versions of all the kids needed to be created prior to animating this scene.
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Character Art: Kyle
This image of Kyle with a shlong on his head was actually based off on an original sketch by Trey (shown above, on the right).
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From "Ginger Cow" (s17e06)
Character Art: Kyle
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Although the boys all shaved their heads for Blanetology in "Super Best Friends", Kyle got an updated look this episodeâ¦
Character Art: Kyle Sick in Bed
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Check out this behind-the-scenes art of Kyle sick in bed. You can see various stages of production here â from storyboard to character design to animationâ¦
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Check out the storyboard from this infamous scene of Kyle eating fartsâ¦
From "Black Friday" (s17e07)
Production Art: Round Table
This round table was a specialty prop. As you can see, the boys "wireframes" were used here for placement.
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From "Go Fund Yourself" (s18e01)
Prop Art: Kickstarter Webpage
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All props - including any web pages shown - must first be designed by the Art Dept.
Video Games
Let's Go Tower Defense Play!
Kyle is the first playable character to join in the second level of the storyline, South Park Elementary. He, Stan, Cartman, and later others use snowballs and towers to fight back waves of enemies. Kyle is a member of the same 'Medic' class as Tweek Tweak, Timmy Burch and Bebe Stevens, which offers low power and range but significantly higher speed.
- Special Ability: All snowballs and towers do increased damage for a short period of time, usually around fifteen seconds.
Tenorman's Revenge
Kyle and The Boys team up in a battle through space and time to retrieve their Xbox 360 hard drive, which has been stolen by Scott Tenorman in hopes of destroying it, causing the boys to lose all of their game progress.
- Special Ability: Kyle can unfurl his curly reddish auburn hair in order to help himself and the other boys get past doors designed to keep out non-Gingers.
- The Human Kite's special ability is to glide across chasms to reach new areas.
South Park: The Stick of Truth
The High Jew Elf King
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For a thousand years, the High Jew Elf King has battled bravely against The Grand Wizard King's human army. This leader of the Drow-Elves has many strengths, but perhaps most menacing is his ability to kick the baby. His favored weapon is his trusty golf club but he, like all elves, is also a skilled archer, just as comfortable leading his elves into battle personally or commanding from the safety of the throne. His closest ally and right-hand man is Ranger Stan Marshwalker, and together they defend the Stick of Truth from the Kingdom of Kupa Keep.
Bonus Factoids
- Kyle has a notably sharp nose (A Very Crappy Christmas) that has been to said to resembles his mother Sheila's (The List). Although it is unsure if this is simply a one off joke, as it is shown that Kyle's nose in (Free Willzyx) and in (Grounded Vindaloop) does not appear to resemble hers.
- Kyle weighs exactly eighty-three pounds, and his e-mail address is (HUMANCENTiPAD)
- Eric Cartman weighed ninety pounds in "Weight Gain 4000". Though these measurements are two years apart, if this is Cartman's current weight that means Eric only weighs seven pounds more than Kyle.
- Kyle has one of Eric Cartman's kidneys. It's "the crappy one" that causes milk to spew out of his nose when he laughs at a joke... even if he's not drinking any milk. (Cherokee Hair Tampons)
- Kyle has been known to enjoy the animated TV series Family Guy. ("Cartoon Wars Part I" and "Canada on Strike!")
- Kyle is known to be a fan of a rapper named MC Dreidel, who's poster he has on his bedroom wall, and seems to read mystery novels such as those featuring the Hardly Boys. (South Park: The Stick of Truth)
- His first kiss was an awkward, one-sided kiss with Bebe Stevens during a game of Truth or Dare in Stan's Clubhouse... which is possibly why he found it so important to impose Butters Stotch to have a first kiss with someone he cared about. (Clubhouses and Butters' Bottom Bitch)
- Kyle has no rhythm. (Rainforest Schmainforest)
Myths & Legends
- Kyle was the ugliest boy in Mr. Garrison's Fourth Grade classroom according to the girls' corrupted list in "The List"; while his real placement cannot be ascertained for certain, it is known he was originally higher, and that Eric Cartman is lower on the real list.
- Before season 5's "How to Eat With Your Butt", the subject of Kyle's hair was a frequent and popular topic among fans, with speculation for a variety of color and styles, although many fans assumed it would be similar to Matt Stone's hair. We've since on many occasions seen that Kyle has reddish hair in a 'jewfro' style, just like Matt Stone used to.
- According to his mother, Kyle has diabetes ("Cherokee Hair Tampons") but this has not been acknowledged since in any other episodes. Notably, Kyle has never directly stood up for Scott Malkinson, a character who debuted eight years later and is often bullied for his diabetes.
- A multitude of fan theories exist to explain away this discrepancy: the two have different forms of the disease, Kyle is better at controlling it, or he for whatever reason doesn't wish to stand up for Scott. It has also been suggested he may keep it a secret, as it has never been brought up by him personally. After all, diabetes affects us all, but it mostly affects Scott Malkinson.
- Kyle's middle name is still up for debate around fans -- there is a wide preference to use Biblical names, such as Abraham. Less common choices include Isiah or Matthew, the latter a reference to the fact he's based on Matt Stone.
Matt and Trey gave very serious consideration to removing Kyle from the show during the fourth and fifth seasons, due to his many similarities with Stan and a desire to elevate Butters as a main character on the show. A press release was issued by Comedy Central in mid-2000 suggesting one of the boys would move away, and Matt and Trey have mentioned "Cripple Fight" intentionally experimented with the kids' dynamic without Kyle around, while "Cherokee Hair Tampons" and "Cartmanland" portrayed him as a very sickly character who could die of illness. They eventually found he was too distinctive a character to lose, and began focusing on his rivalry with Cartman, as well as altering his character by fleshing out his personality from Stan's (making him more compassionate, intelligent, focused on morals, and of course- notably shortening his temper.)
Instead of killing Kyle, Matt and Trey decided while producing "Kenny Dies", initially merely intended to be a single instance of Kenny's death being taken seriously, to kill Kenny off instead... it lasted about a year.
Kyle did seem to briefly die in "Imaginationland Episode II", and was declared as such at the Pentagon by top scientists, but was successfully revived by Cartman, so Kyle could make good on his end of the bet.
Kyle's momentary death parodies a revival scene from the movie "The Abyss".